100 days of code

- tracking progress

13 Apr 2018

Day 13: MQTT, Music & Mixed Drinks

What I’ve done today

Today I went on a meetup about MQTT.

Today, MQTT is one of the most popular IoT protocols for device-to-cloud communication. The new MQTT 5 standard, published earlier this year, comes with new features and enhancements all of which make the lightweight protocol as versatile as never before.

#iotday in #ffm is about to start 😎
Looking forward to learn about #mqtt from @iotffm
Thanks @codecentric for hosting! pic.twitter.com/MSIsuxRTdy

— Hendrik Putzek (@hputzek) April 13, 2018

Dominik Obermaier (dc-square, Twitter: @dobermai), one of Germany’s foremost MQTT experts & creator of HiveMQ, introduced the new features of the IoT protocol.


— Hendrik Putzek (@hputzek) April 13, 2018

Learnings today:

Link Dump for today: